STAAD Foundation Advanced - STAAD Foundation Advanced At-A-Glance
General Footings
- Intuitive user-friendly graphical user interface; the workflow is categorized and arranged to flow from top to bottom
- Complete foundation project environment that includes isolated, combined, strap, pile cap, octagonal footing, and mat foundations; it connects all the modules through a global layer
- Tabbed view, navigator tree Ribbon control and custom skin style
- Spreadsheet integration with detailed output
- Physical mat foundation modeling environment that saves time and reduces errors by considering holes, control regions, physical beam and column lines; provides an option for both triangular and quadrilateral plates
- Physical loading—like point load on space, quadrilateral load, circular load, or line load that allows user to simulate any physical loading like tank and wall loading
- Seamlessly integrates with STAAD.Pro to import/export loadings, reactions, column positions; users can import any set of analyzed plates to design; tracks changes made in STAAD.Pro model and can merge the changes with STAAD Foundation file
- Powerful OpenGL-based graphics that help visualize output like displacements, stress on displaced shape, combined beam stress, and entities like plates and beams in 3D for a realistic rendered view
- Automatic pile arrangement
- DXF export of Detailed and GA drawing
- Detailed structural drawing with customizable drawing options and labels
- Base pressure and plate stress color contours
- Step-by-step detailed calculation sheet with code clauses and equations to verify output
- GA drawing with grid marks to help identify interferences
- Foundation grouping for production drawing and sample calculation
- Printable bending moment and shear force graphs for combined footing
- Printable capacity graphs and analysis diagrams for laterally loaded drilled pier
Analysis and Design
- Support for both flexible and rigid methods. Optimize footing dimensions
- Sophisticated FEM analysis format foundation powered by reliable STAAD analysis engine
- Support for unlimited number of load cases and load combinations
- User-defined reinforcing zones and blocks for optimal reinforcement distribution
- Slab design along any cut line to simulate manual mat design technique
- Pedestal design
- Proper handling of biaxial moment for all footing types using finite difference approach
Design Codes
- United States – ACI 318-2005
- United Kingdom – BS 8110
- India – IS 456-2000
- Australia – AS 3600-2004
- Canada – CSA A 23.3-04
- Chinese – GB50007-2002
- Euro – EN 1992-1-1-2004
Features Specific for Plant Foundations
- Specific modules for the plant industry such as vertical vessel foundation, heat exchanger foundation, annular ring tank foundation and laterally loaded drilled pier analysis
- Generates load combination automatically based on several country codes like ASCE-7 and PIP STC 01015
- Generates wind load and zip-code-based seismic load automatically based on ASCE 7, IS 875, IS1893
- Creates different configurations of vessel foundations
Foundation Toolkit Features
- Time-saving wizard-based input for isolated footings, combined footings, pile cap arrangement and design
- Drilled axial pier module supporting API and FHWA 1999 and alternative Vesic method
- Guyed tower foundation module based on ACI 318
Screenshots of STAAD Foundation Advanced in Action