STAAD.Pro - Load Types and Generation
- Categorized load into specific load group types like dead, wind, live, seismic, snow, user-defined, etc. Automatically generate load combinations based on standard loading codes such as ASCE, ACI, LRFD, BOCA, IBC, UBC, etc.
- One way loading to simulate load distribution on one-way slabs
- Patch and pressure loading on solid (brick) elements
- Element pressure loads can be applied along a global direction on any imaginary surface without having elements located on that surface
- Automatic wind load generator for complex inclined surfaces, irregular panels and multiple levels also taking into consideration user-defined panels
- Loading for Joints, Members/Elements including Concentrated, Uniform Linear, Trapezoidal, Temperature, Strain, Support Displacement, Prestress and Fixed-end Loads
- Global, Local and Projected Loading Directions
- Uniform or varying Element Pressure Loading on entire or selected portion of plate elements
- Floor/Area Load converts load-per-area to member loads based on one-way or two-way actions
- Automatic Moving Load Generation per standard AASHTO or user defined loading
- IBC 2003/UBC 94, 97/AIJ/IS 1893/Cypriot/NTC (Mexican) Seismic Load Generation
- Tributary/influence area diagrams plotted for all wind, area and floor loads
- Factored Load Combinations including algebraic and SRSS combination schemes
- Imposed displacements in any number of load cases, any number of DOF, any type of elements, and with inclined supports
- Temperature gradient along local Z axis of member as well as local Y axis
- Floor load generator which automatically updates the pressure distribution if the floor changes. Also, allows for elimination of floor members and creation of floor groups.
- Automatically reduces the live loads dubbed as Live Load or Roof Live Load as per UBC/IBC
- Automatic load combination generator and editor to define custom load combinations
- Wind loading on open lattice structures
- ASCE 7-02 Wind and Snow (Unbalanced/Drifting) loading including calculation of suction and roof pressures